NEXT COMMUNITY MEETING – Wednesday Nov. 22nd 7:30pm at Copetown Community Centre.

Wednesday Nov. 22nd 7:30pm at Copetown Community Centre.

Is this plan for the Ancaster Wells to fence and use swipe card, really good for the future of our water source?

HCA has been quoted that for any reason down the road this doesn’t work, i.e. use abuse, vandalism, failure of swipe system, they will close our access entirely, and the sign today on site says they will close if not approved by Public Health Service.

Once we do sign this waiver and accept the swipe card system, we are agreeing to have a public resource removed from public access, and forfeiting our rights to this resource.

This is another bureaucratic intrusion to privatize public resource,  that we are allowing to happen.
This changes to our FREE access as stated on the deed and therefore changes the classification as we have been told.

We as a community have rights that should never be relinquished or exceeded by  our bureaucracy.
Currently based on Ontario Regulation, O. Reg. 318/08 there are other options that have been withheld from the public.

To Stay on top of this issue and keep the information flowing we are forming a Rate Payers Association .
There is an information session  happening this Wednesday Nov. 22nd 7:30pm at Copetown Community Centre.

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