2 thoughts on “SOS-Ancaster Video Proceedings of Town Hall Meeting – June 22- 2017”
oh I get it….So it’s a fundamental human right if it’s treated, but if it’s not…then your rights are taken away….does this make sense to anyone else???
Thank-you for posting the videos. I wish I could have attended that evening. I would be curious to know how hard it would to lower the amount of arsenic and if there are cost effective ways of doing it through nature itself… i.e rock plantation etc…. The structures have been there for so many years it would be a shame not preserve them and at the same time offering drinkable ground water for those that choose to drink it. In Europe these structures are cherished not sure why we cant have them here.
oh I get it….So it’s a fundamental human right if it’s treated, but if it’s not…then your rights are taken away….does this make sense to anyone else???
Thank-you for posting the videos. I wish I could have attended that evening. I would be curious to know how hard it would to lower the amount of arsenic and if there are cost effective ways of doing it through nature itself… i.e rock plantation etc…. The structures have been there for so many years it would be a shame not preserve them and at the same time offering drinkable ground water for those that choose to drink it. In Europe these structures are cherished not sure why we cant have them here.