When does a Legacy cease to become a Legacy…..

The Ancaster Well is under restrictive covenants, a “legacy” from William Kennedy a local farmer who passed away in 2014.   Mr. Kennedy donated a 2 acre parcel of land to the Town of Ancaster with a covenant, that the water be kept in public access.

Ancaster Well Transfer/Deed of Land – Oct 13 1998 – Full document with Protective Restrictions on use

A legacy of a man not even 5 years deceased is already being challenged by Ancaster Councillor Lloyd Ferguson who toted in the news that the land deed posed no hurdle for him.


“Ferguson said his plan allows people to choose whether to drink the well’s water, but those holding up the property’s deed as a hurdle are mistaken.

He said the requirement to maintain public access refers to a different location, known as Well 8, while the one on in question is Well 9.

Ferguson said the sale condition should still probably be rescinded, which he’s been advised requires the agreement of the authority and the city as successor to the Town of Ancaster”

and in the mean time Ancaster Councilor Lloyd Ferguson is in the news stating the Ancaster Memorial Arts Project is a Legacy for Financial Backers, and that the Federal and Provincial Government should kick in 3 million dollars.


How about the “Legacy” of local farmer William Kennedy?


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